The Aztecs
Welcome to my site on the Aztec civilization. I hope you find the information presented to be useful and easy to navigate. Without a doubt, the Aztec civilization is one of the most interesting and enigmatic civilizations of all times and there is so much more research to be made on the topic; please check the Additional Resources section for a small list of publications that will help you expand your knowledge about the Aztecs.
From a very young age I became fascinated with the civilizations of ancient America. I had the opportunity to live in Mexico City for many years and visit ruins all over Mexico when time permitted. Over the years I decided to expand my knowledge on the topic and gradually acquired and read a considerable amount of publications on Native Americans. One of the main problems I came across as I learned more ancient American cultures was that ancient civilizations like the Aztec, Maya and Inca were all depicted interchangeably by the media and even in some official publications. While plenty of academics and researchers have made considerable efforts to end this practice it is still persistent due to the lack of understanding and teaching of ancient Americans. Even though these cultures did share some aesthetic elements, their cultural differences were quite obvious. It is almost comparable to saying that Americans and Brits are the same culture, when they have evolved very differently from each other.
In this site you will find images I have taken (unless specifically stated) to illustrate the particular artistic and architectural differences of the Aztec culture. I hope my site helps you widen your understanding on the topic and inspires you to further your research.
George P Zamora

Contact: Onuxian@gmail.com